Class 15 Reading: Trees
To turn in your reading “Reply” to this discussion by teaching something that you learned. Then review what one of your classmates learned, and leave a comment.
Some ideas for how you might want to teach:
- Use an analogy
- Explain a detail in depth
- Use WHY, WHAT, HOW structure
- Tutorial / walk through an example
- Write a quiz
- Create a vocabulary/definition list
- Write a cheat sheet
- Create a diagram / visualization / cartoon of a topic
- Anthropomorphize the concepts, and write a conversation between them
- Build a map of the information
- Construct a fill-in-the-blank worksheet for the topic
Vocabulary Terms
- Node
- A node is the individual item/data that makes up the data structure
- Root
- The root is the first/top Node in the tree
- Left Child
- The node that is positioned to the left of a root or node
- Right Child
- The node that is positioned to the right of a root or node
- Edge
- The edge in a tree is the link between a parent and child node
- Leaf
- A leaf is a node that does not contain any children
- Height
- The height of a tree is determined by the number of edges from the root to the bottommost node
- K
- K is a number that specifies the maximum number of children any node may have in a k-ary tree. In a binary tree, k = 2
- Depth First
- Depth first traversal is where we prioritize going through the depth (height) of the tree first. We can use recursion to implement depth first traversal
- Breadth First
- Breadth first traversal iterates through the tree by going through each level of the tree node-by-node
- Pre-order
- Pre-order traversal is a type of depth-first traversal that visits a node prior to its children nodes
- In-order
- In-order traversal is a type of depth-first traversal that visits a node prior to its children nodes
- Post-order
- Post-order traversal is a type of depth-first traversal that visits a node after its children nodes
- Recursion
- Recursion is the process of repeating items in a self-similar way
- Traversal
- Traversal is the process of iterating through a data structure (e.g., an array) and performing a specific action on each element in the data structure
- Binary Tree
- A binary tree is a tree data structure in which each node has at most two children, which are referred to as the left child and the right child
- Binary Search Tree
- A binary search tree, sometimes called ordered or sorted binary trees, are a particular type of container: data structures that store “items” (such as numbers, names etc.) in memory
- K-ary Tree
- A k-ary tree is a rooted tree in which each node has no more than k children
- Balanced Tree
- A tree where the difference between the depths of any two leaf nodes (the leaf nodes being the nodes furthest from the root) is no greater than one
- Perfect Binary Tree
- A perfect binary tree is a binary tree in which all interior nodes have two children and all leaves have the same depth or same level
- Unbalanced Tree
- A tree where the difference between the depths of any two leaf nodes (the leaf nodes being the nodes furthest from the root) is greater than one
- Big O
- Big O notation is used in Computer Science to describe the performance or complexity of an algorithm
What did you learn after reviewing a classmates reply to this thread?
- Well, not much that I didn’t learn from the reading because we literally all read the same document. But I did learn that I’m not the smortest fella. In fact, I think the argumnent could be made that with every passing day, I push the known limits of intellectual poverty.