
Class 09 Reading: Authorization/Authentication


Topic 1

  1. Discuss 2 possible project ideas that could be completed by you and a partner in the alloted time.

    • Idea 1: Task Management System
      • Description:Build a task management system where users can create tasks, assign them to team members, set due dates, and track progress. The application should have a front-end interface for users to create, update, and view tasks, while the API server handles the data storage and retrieval. The Auth server should provide user authentication and authorization to ensure secure access to the system.
    • Key Features:
      • User registration and login with authentication tokens
      • CRUD operations for tasks, including task management, due dates, and status updates.
      • User roles and permissions to control access to tasks.
      • Real-time updates and notifications for task changes using WebSockets or long polling.
      • Secure access to the system.
    • Idea 2: Online Marketplace
      • Description: Develop an online marketplace where users can buy and sell products. Users should be able to create accounts, list items for sale, search and filter items, make purchases, and manage their inventory. The API server will handle product listings, user authentication, and transaction processing, while the Auth server will manage user authentication and authorization.
    • Key Features:
      • User registration and login with authentication tokens
      • CRUD operations for product listings, including product details, images, and pricing.
      • Search functionality allows user to filter products by category, price, and other attributes.
      • Shopping cart functionality for adding and removing items, along with checkout process for purchasing products.
      • Secure payment processing integration using a payment gateway API such as PayPal or Stripe.
      • User roles and permissions to control access to product listings.
      • User profile management and order history.
      • Secure access to the system.
    • Idea 3: Social Media Platform
      • Description: Create a social media platform where users can create profiles, connect with friends, share posts, and engage in discussions. The application should have features similar to popular social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter. The API server will handle user profiles, posts, and interactions, while the Auth server will handle user authentication and authorization.
    • Key Features:
      • User registration and login with authentication tokens
      • CRUD operations for user profiles, including profile details, images, and contact information.
      • CRUD operations for posts, including text, images, and other media.
      • User roles and permissions to control access to posts and profiles.
      • Follow/Unfollow functionality for connecting with other users.
      • Commenting and liking posts.
      • Hashtags and search functionality to discover content.
      • Secure access to the system.

Bookmark and Review


  1. What are your learning goals after reading and reviewing the class README?

    • Goal 1: Understand the difference between authentication and authorization.
    • Goal 2: Understand the purpose of bearer tokens.
    • Goal 3: Understand how to implement basic and bearer authentication in an API server.
    • Goal 4: Understand how to implement basic and bearer authentication in an Auth server.
    • Goal 5: Understand how to implement role-based access control in an API server.
    • Goal 6: Understand how to implement role-based access control in an Auth server.

Things I Want to Know More About

  1. Question 1?
    • Answer 1.