Class 06 Reading: NODE.js
Reading Statement
Why this topic matters as it relates to the material I am studying: We are going to be using Node.js a lot in the future, so it’s important that we understand what exactly it is as well as what it is doing. And paired programming is often how you will work in the industry, so getting some time as the driver and as the navigator is important so that we can develop a good workflow for pair programming not only in class, but when we are realeased into the world of software development.
Introduction to NODE.js
What is NODE.js?
- It’s an event-based, non-blocking, asynchronous I/O JavaScript runtime that uses Google’s V8 JavaScript engine and libuv library.
In your own words, what is Chrome V8 JavaScript Engine?
- The open source JavaScript engine that runs in Chrome and Chrome based web browsers. It’s responsible for compiling JavaScript directly to native machine code that your machine can execute.
What does it mean that node is a JavaScript runtime?
- It’s just a program that we can use to execute JavaScript on our computers.
What is npm?
- npm is a package manager that comes bundled with Node.js and it is also the world’s largest software registry.
What version of node are you running on your machine?
What version of npm are you running on your machine?
What command would you type to install a library/packgage called ‘jshint’?
- Install Globally: npm install -g jshint
What is node used for?
- Various build tools designed to automate the process of developing a modern JavaScript application. You install the tools via npm and run them via Node. The biggest use case for Node.js is running JavaScript on the server.
6 Reasons for Paired Programming
What are the 6 reasons for paired programming?
- Greater Efficiency
- Engaged Collaboration
- Learning From Fellow Fellow Students
- Social Skills
- Job Interview Readiness
- Work Environment Readiness
In your experience, which of these reasons have you found most beneficial?
- Learning from fellow students. Since everyone has differing approaches to solving the same problems, it provides an opportunity to observe different approaches and solutions than your own. You also provide the same benefit to your team members, providing them a learning opportunity as well. This promotes growth all around and can help yeild the best possible results.
How does pair programming work?
- It consists of two roles: Driver and Navigator. The driver is responsible for typing the code, managing the text editor, switching files and version control. The Navigator is responsible for verbally guiding the driver by thinking about the big picture, while simultaneously watching for bugs and errors that may need to be resolved.
Things I Would Like to Know More About
- NODE.js seems like a very large source of information and tools. It’s going to take a lot of exposure and time spent utilizing node in order to build a strong foundation with it.